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Session Opportunities

Intuitive Massage Therapy:

* hot towels are available upon request...let the practitioner know ahead of time, plz 

Christine Miller: Swedish Massage $40/30 min, $60/60 min, $90/90 min, $120/120 min.

Angela: 65 Minute Customized Massage ($105) Includes a variety of massage modalities, specific to what the client needs. This session time is ideal for clients either in need of a treatment for a localized, specific area, or who want a full body relaxation (Swedish) massage.

Angela; 90 Minute Customized Massage ($130) Includes a variety of massage modalities, specific area, or who want a full body relaxation (Swedish) massage. 

Angela: 120 Minute Customized Massage ($190) Includes a variety of massage modalities, specific area, or who want a full body relaxation (Swedish) massage. 


Energy Healing work:

John Kelly: Soul Ascension, Chakra align & balance, Removal with cleansing of Trauma energies, grounding/centering: Price varies with an average $70/hour

Access Bars: 

Rachael Porter: Access Bars $75/hour 


Life & Empowerment coaching:​

Michael Schmeeckle: coaching with guided mediation and ground zero trauma energy release, to build a game plan with a plan of action for a successful paths.

Gold Package: $400 for a the building of your life's new foundation (avg 2 to 3 hour session) then $75/hour for maintenance sessions. 

($150/hour normal rates per session) 


Handcrafted therapy artwork:

Christine Miller: Depending upon which art piece the prices vary between $10 to $40

Handmade therapy Hugs:

Christine Miller: $25/each one

© 2020-2023 Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed. As we work together, energy work, massage, life coaching as well other modalities, results may vary. As with the law of energy exchanged, once the work is completed, it is done. Thus, there are no refunds for work completed.  We appreciate your business and look forward to helping you on your healing journey. 

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